Expertise in Action
New isn’t on its way. We’re applying it now. See how we bring the new to
life with our clients in every industry, in every country, each and every day
Across Industries
As an owner-operator, the success of your enterprise hinges on the criticality of your infrastructure. From maintaining and improving existing assets to constructing new ones, addressing the full life cycle—from planning to design, construction, and operations—is paramount. Virtuematic comprehends these challenges and presents a comprehensive portfolio, offering multi-discipline design and analysis solutions across architectural, engineering, and geospatial disciplines to help you meet these diverse requirements.

Electric and Gas Utilities
We provide mapping and geospatial analysis, tower design and analysis, substation design, network design, GIS, and asset performance management.

Buildings and Facilities
Solutions for integrative site planning and design, versatile building design and analysis, project collaboration, and building information management.

Discrete Manufacturing
Solutions for integrative plant design and analysis, project collaboration, factory floor layout, and asset lifecycle information management.

Oil and Gas
Solutions include versatile design, project collaboration, Advanced Work Packaging/WorkFace Planning, offshore structural design and analysis.

Solutions for mapping, Smart cities, GIS, 3D cities, project collaboration, ommunity information management, and asset life cycle information management.

Solutions for survey data acquisition and analysis, mapping, cadastral mapping, LiDAR mapping, Digitalortho mapping, UAV Mapping and GIS.

Solutions for road, bridge and tunnel design and analysis, subsurface engineering, project collaboration, GIS and asset lifecycle information management.

Solutions for mine planning and surveying, bulk materials handling layout and design, GIS, Pile measurement using UAV data, and asset performance management.